I've noticed that pit bulls are a pretty popular choice for guys. Pit bulls are definitely a very masculine breed of dog, and it is important to show dominance over them while they're being trained. However, girls can make just as good of owners as boys as long as they are effective at showing this dominance. I'm a smaller girl, only five feet tall, and a lot of my friends were worried that I wouldn't be able to handle a pit bull because of how strong they are. I proved everyone wrong though, and I couldn't be more happier with my decision to get one. I got a special breed of pit bull called a "blue nose," and I named him "Dozer." He's only seven months old, but it's been amazing watching him grow into the sweet, loving boy that he is. He has the cutest personality, and loves playing with other dogs. Watching him at the dog park always lightens my day when you can see the happiness in his face. After experiencing the joy that this dog has brought me, it's a shame to think of all of the other pit bulls that weren't fortunate enough to have an owner that really cares about them. Dozer is already stronger than I am, but walking him isn't a problem because he knows that I'm the boss. Training him was difficult at times since it takes a lot of your time and energy. Therefore, any one that has a really busy schedule shouldn't consider trying to raise one of these dogs. You also need to be educated on how to train this dog the correct way before you get it. Many people wrongly assume that being rough with a pit bull is the way to establish dominance, but this is not right at all! All that will do is teach the dog aggressiveness, and it's very simple to train a dog without too much physical force. Since a lot of physical force isn't needed, girls shouldn't be discouraged if some one else tells them that they wouldn't be able to train a pit bull. I'm really happy that I ignored everyone else's opinion! I've posted some pictures of Dozer above, and I hope that you enjoy them.
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