Innocent Until MADE Guilty

Innocent Until MADE Guilty

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Nasty Truth

According to the Humane Society of the United States, dogfighting is defined as "a sadistic 'contest' in which two dogs--specifically bred, conditioned and trained to fight--are placed in a pit (generally a small arena enclosed by plywood walls) to fight each other for the spectators' entertainment and gambling." Unfortunately, pit bulls are the main victims, and they are helpless without our help. These dogs live in terrible conditions and are usually chained up for life. The injuries that they suffer are very severe, and the majority of them eventually die. They are made into monsters and spend their lives surrounded by heartless people who find pleasure in their pain. Pit bulls have received a reputation for being dangerous because of this problem that they obviously have no control over. It's our responsibility to do something about this continuing crime. First, everyone needs to accept the fact that pit bulls are actually very loving, friendly family dogs that do not have a violent nature when they are raised correctly. There are pit bull rescue organizations found all across America where you can save dogs by giving them the home that they deserve. The Humane Society also suggests writing to legislators in cities where dogfighting has not been made a felony yet, or writing to the media to increase public awareness on the issue. I found this video for any one who still questions a pit bulls true character:

This video reveals the truth about pit bull fighting. It's very sad, so take a seat.
I also found a very educating website with plenty of information on the breed that provides rescue opportunitys also. You can even donate or volunteer to help these animals. Go to if you're interested in learning more about the American Pit Bull Terrier.

Another good website to find pit bulls that need a home is:

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