Innocent Until MADE Guilty

Innocent Until MADE Guilty

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Training Tips (Cause Every Girl Could Use Them)

"Dogs, like humans, are in a constant state of learning. They are learning even if we don't notice. There are so many variables and subtleties in this process that it is difficult to explain." -Cinimon Clark

There's so many rumors that it's impossible to train pit bulls because they're stubborn, don't want to listen, etc...THIS ISN'T TRUE, if you know how to train them correctly! As the quote above states, dogs are always learning, so the owner needs to be willing to train them over the entire course of their lives! This takes a lot of work, but it can be very simple as long as you know good training tips:

Pit Bulls are a very dominant breed of dog. This means that they like to be in control of situations so they attempt to out-dominate one another to earn that sense of being in charge. So, if you have a pit bull, part of your training will be establishing your dominance in the relationship. Don't worry girls, this shouldn't be a hassle for you just because you don't have a deep voice! You can do this by making your dog earn everything it receives from you. This includes food, treats, attention, toys, play time, etc.

Another important part of training is teaching your dog to go to the bathroom OUTSIDE! While he/she is a puppy they will need to go a lot so you need to watch them closely for signs that indicate they need to go! Make sure you give them lots of praise when they use the bathroom in the right place, and if they mess up don't scold them too harshly. Instead of rubbing their nose in the mess, firmly tell them "NO," and take them outside to the correct place. Always take a puppy out 10-15 minutes after it's eaten, before bed and immediately after you wake up. If you do this consistently, your dog should catch on in no time! I followed these guidelines with Dozer, but sometimes on the weekends I would sleep in. I noticed that the days that I would slack off on being a good owner were the days Dozer had the most problems peeing and pooping in the house. It's sometimes not your dog's fault for messing up if you are the one who forgets to take them out. You should remember this, and try to improve if your dog begins having problems with messing in the house.

The last important part of training a pit bull that I want to talk about is socializing. You may wonder why socializing a dog could be so important? Well, it's been observed that most dog bites are from dogs that have been chained up with no contact in their back yards! If you socialize a pit bull it allows them to learn more and more about their surroundings, people, children, etc. The more they learn, the more behaved they will be around these things. You need to make sure you start socializing them when they're young, and introduce them to as many people as possible (in all different age groups). When you begin introducing them to other dogs, do it slowly. Make sure the other dogs are nice and that you can trust them. You don't want their first experience with other dogs to be a bad one! Show them that meeting new people and dogs is a positive thing, and give them plenty of praise for handling the situations well. If you continue to do this throughout the dogs entirely life, chances are that you and your dog will both be very happy with the results and your dog will be enjoyable for everyone!

Thinking About Getting a Puppy?

Deciding to get a new puppy is a BIG decision although it may not seem like one. Choosing the right breed for you is very important too! The American Pit Bull Terrier is a very loving and loyal companion to have living in your home. However, there are a few things you need to ask yourself when thinking about getting this breed:

First, how much time do you have to devote to your dog? Pit Bulls are filled with energy and they are very athletic. This means that they need plenty of exercise, and if you're some one who loves sitting around at home, then this breed is definitely not for you. However, if you like staying active by running, playing and swimming, then a Pit Bull could be very enjoyable for you. I usually exercise by going on a run, but I always run out of motivation to keep going! Since I got Dozer it's been much easier to keep running with him by my side. Every day after we get done with our run Dozer gets to jump in the river for a quick swim to cool off. I'm always amazed that he still hasn't run out of energy by that time. I care a lot about Dozer's health, but no one informed me about the amount of time that I would need to spend wearing him out by playing with the ball or frisbee. Fortunately, I have plenty of time do this! If I didn't, I would have ended up needing to find him another home. Therefore, I think it's very important that people understand the amount of time that must be devoted to this breed before they decide to go buy one.

The second thing that you need to ask yourself before getting a puppy is whether or not you have the money to support them. This doesn't just apply to Pit Bulls; it matters for any type of dog. So many people make the decision to get a puppy on a whim because they can't resist how cute it is. A few weeks later they come to realize that they can't afford all of the vaccinations, heartworm medicine, flea and tick medicine, dog food, leashes and collars, vet bills, etc. It's really overwhelming when you add all of the expenses up, and it's really dissappointing if you have to give up your brand new puppy. Money definitely played a role in my decision to get dozer, and everything worked out as planned so I've been able to provide everything he needs. However, he's gotten sick twice already, and trust me, going to the vet can be extremely expensive. You don't want your dog to be unhealthy, so seriously think about your financial situation when going into something like this.

The third thing you need to consider is if you're prepared to train a puppy. Training a dog isn't simple, and it's something that you have to continue to do throughout the dog's entire life. It's not just about teaching your dog how to sit, stay or lie down. You have to be in control of your dog, and the only way that you can be is if you consistently train them their whole lives. This takes a lot of time and patience, and it starts right when your puppy is brought home for the first time. If you slack off on training because you're lazy, you're going to see problems down the road as your dog grows. I'm going to discuss training a lot more next time I blog so you know exactly what it takes!

Please remember to consider choosing a rescue dog as your new addition to your home if you're thinking about getting a puppy. They are much more inexpensive than dogs that are bought from breeders, and the small adoption fee that you pay is used to help fund more rescuing. These dogs need a home, and you know you will feel so good being able to give them one that they deserve! Here are some links if you're interested in this:

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Worst Type of Animal Cruelty Around

Today my friend Maddy and I were watching a commercial on animal cruelty, and we started talking about how awful and sad it is. Usually when I think about animal cruelty I picture poor, little things that haven't eaten in so long you can see their bones! I think of owners who couldn't handle the responsibility or expense of a pet, but still got a whole house full of them any ways. There's also the wild animals that are targeted for their expensive fur. However, I never imagined dogs being severely beaten, abused, and released to fight 'til their death until I learned that this stuff actually happens. I think it's really important that more people become informed of what's really going on, or we'll never be able to fight against it to make it stop. Pit bulls are the main victims of this form of cruelty because of their muscular build and powerful jaws. How do people find entertainment in watching one of these beautiful dogs go down in a fight that they were never destined to be in? Some people argue that they were destined to fight. It has never been in a dog's nature to fight for no reason. They may occasionally fight over territory, but even dogs living in the wild respect one another and don't fight for the fun of it. Dogs used in fights are made aggressive by torture. They are taught to kill using small kittens or puppies as bait when they have been starved. The reality of this problem is so sad, and I urge any one who has witnessed anything similar to this to report to the police right away. Dog fighting is a serious felony, and if you report it there is a $5,000 reward!

Hopefully every person who has read this thinks that dog fighting is a disgusting and hateful crime. Just in case any one is still questioning how serious of a problem it is though, I've found this quote from Pit Bulls on the Web (an anti-dogfighting site):

"His face is a mass of deep cuts, as are his shoulders and neck. Both of his front legs have been broken, but Billy Bear isn't ready to quit. At the referee's signal, his master releases him, and unable to support himself on his front legs, he slides on his chest across the blood and urine stained carpet, propelled by his good hind legs, toward the opponent who rushes to meet him. Driven by instinct, intensive training and love for the owner who has brought him to this moment, Billy Bear drives himself painfully into the other dog's charge... Less than 20 minutes later, rendered useless by the other dog, Billy Bear lies spent beside his master, his stomach constricted with pain. He turns his head back towards the ring, his eyes glazed, searching for a last look at the other dog as he receives a bullet in his brain" (Brown, 66).

If you're interested in learning more about the American Pit Bull Terrier and how they became involved in this evil form of entertaining, you should take a look at the video called "Off the Chain," by Bobby J. Brown. It's a documentary that can explain in much more detail how dog fighting began and exactly what these animals are put through.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Problem That Shouldn't Be One

It was just a few days ago when my room mate informed me that my pit bull couldn't live with us in our apartment anymore. She said that it was her parents' decision, and they decided this because they think he's damaging the apartment. I can't tell you how many times people have asked me if Dozer chews my things up. Everyone always says, "Aren't pit bulls really bad about destroying everything in sight?" Of course a dog is going to try to chew on things if you don't train them not to. Dozer hasn't done any damage so far because I'm always watching him when he's out in our apartment.

They also think that pit bulls are dangerous dogs, and they don't want their daughter living with one. I couldn't believe it! I immediately told her that if they weren't willing to make any compromises with me, not only Dozer would leave, I would also. The whole situation made me pretty upset and angry. Now I was facing a problem due to the fact that people have given pit bulls such a bad reputation. Her parents have already met Dozer, and they loved him! So why do they want him gone suddenly?

Recently there was a young girl in Nashville, Tennessee that was bit by her family's dog. Well, if you haven't already guessed, it was a pit bull. My room mate's mom completely ignored the fact that Dozer was a perfectly well-trained dog, and based her judgement of him on this news story! Now, thanks to the popular, false knowledge spread around about pit bulls, I will be moving out and won't be able to live with my best friend. It's ridiculous that people automatically jump to conclusions about things without thinking things through. There are so many factors that could have contributed to that dog's decision to bite the little girl. The little girl could have been doing something to tease or hurt him, he could have been abused, or the girl could have previously done numerous things to bother him while no one was paying any attention! But, of course, people use this as evidence to support their claims that pit bulls are born to fight. It's really sad since it ends up adding to their bad reputation and educates people to avoid this breed when really they need to be loved and helped. I'm very disappointed in my room mate's parents' decision, and I wish that they would give me a chance to prove that their newly held beliefs on pit bulls are wrong!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Girls Can Handle Pit Bulls Too

I've noticed that pit bulls are a pretty popular choice for guys. Pit bulls are definitely a very masculine breed of dog, and it is important to show dominance over them while they're being trained. However, girls can make just as good of owners as boys as long as they are effective at showing this dominance. I'm a smaller girl, only five feet tall, and a lot of my friends were worried that I wouldn't be able to handle a pit bull because of how strong they are. I proved everyone wrong though, and I couldn't be more happier with my decision to get one. I got a special breed of pit bull called a "blue nose," and I named him "Dozer." He's only seven months old, but it's been amazing watching him grow into the sweet, loving boy that he is. He has the cutest personality, and loves playing with other dogs. Watching him at the dog park always lightens my day when you can see the happiness in his face. After experiencing the joy that this dog has brought me, it's a shame to think of all of the other pit bulls that weren't fortunate enough to have an owner that really cares about them. Dozer is already stronger than I am, but walking him isn't a problem because he knows that I'm the boss. Training him was difficult at times since it takes a lot of your time and energy. Therefore, any one that has a really busy schedule shouldn't consider trying to raise one of these dogs. You also need to be educated on how to train this dog the correct way before you get it. Many people wrongly assume that being rough with a pit bull is the way to establish dominance, but this is not right at all! All that will do is teach the dog aggressiveness, and it's very simple to train a dog without too much physical force. Since a lot of physical force isn't needed, girls shouldn't be discouraged if some one else tells them that they wouldn't be able to train a pit bull. I'm really happy that I ignored everyone else's opinion! I've posted some pictures of Dozer above, and I hope that you enjoy them.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Nasty Truth

According to the Humane Society of the United States, dogfighting is defined as "a sadistic 'contest' in which two dogs--specifically bred, conditioned and trained to fight--are placed in a pit (generally a small arena enclosed by plywood walls) to fight each other for the spectators' entertainment and gambling." Unfortunately, pit bulls are the main victims, and they are helpless without our help. These dogs live in terrible conditions and are usually chained up for life. The injuries that they suffer are very severe, and the majority of them eventually die. They are made into monsters and spend their lives surrounded by heartless people who find pleasure in their pain. Pit bulls have received a reputation for being dangerous because of this problem that they obviously have no control over. It's our responsibility to do something about this continuing crime. First, everyone needs to accept the fact that pit bulls are actually very loving, friendly family dogs that do not have a violent nature when they are raised correctly. There are pit bull rescue organizations found all across America where you can save dogs by giving them the home that they deserve. The Humane Society also suggests writing to legislators in cities where dogfighting has not been made a felony yet, or writing to the media to increase public awareness on the issue. I found this video for any one who still questions a pit bulls true character:

This video reveals the truth about pit bull fighting. It's very sad, so take a seat.
I also found a very educating website with plenty of information on the breed that provides rescue opportunitys also. You can even donate or volunteer to help these animals. Go to if you're interested in learning more about the American Pit Bull Terrier.

Another good website to find pit bulls that need a home is: